Selected Recent and Forthcoming Talks

Vaccari, C., Chadwick, A., Hall, N-A., & Lawson, B. (2025). Source Credibility as a Double-Edged Sword: How Attributing News to a Reputable Journalistic Brand Affects Users’ Misinformation Discernment on Personal Messaging. International Communication Association Annual Conference, Denver, June 12–16.

Chadwick, A. (2023). Trust, Vulnerability, and Online Misinformation: Notes of Cautious Optimism from a Longitudinal Qualitative Study. Social Media and Health Research Network, Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham, UK. December 14.

Chadwick, A., Hall, N-A., & Vaccari, C. (2023). Misinformation Rules!? Could “Group Rules” Clean Up Online Personal Messaging? American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, August 31–September 3.

Lawson, B., Chadwick, A., Hall, N-A., & Vaccari, C. (2023). Navigating a Sea of Data: How People Determine the Trustworthiness of Numbers on Personal Messaging Platforms. Third international Data Justice conference: Collective Experiences in the Datafied Society, Cardiff University, June 19–20.

Chadwick, A. (2023). Where Next? Mainstreaming the Future of Communication Research. Keynote at Futuring Outside the Box: New Dynamics in Media, Communication and Sociology, University of Leicester, June 15.

Chadwick, A. (2023) Seeing is Deceiving: Deepfakes. Cheltenham Science Festival. June 11, 2023.

Chadwick, A., Hall, N-A., & Vaccari, C. (2023). Misinformation Rules!? Could “Group Rules” Reduce Misinformation in Online Personal Messaging? International Communication Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, May 25–29.

Hall, N-A., Chadwick, A., & Vaccari, C. (2023). Online Misinformation and Everyday Ontological Narratives of Social Distinction. International Communication Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, May 25–29.

Chadwick, A., Vaccari, C. & Hall, N-A. (2022). Covid Vaccines and Online Personal Messaging: The Challenge of Challenging Everyday Misinformation. Social Media and Health Research Network, Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham, UK. September 23.

Chadwick, A., Vaccari, C., & Hall, N-A. (2022). When Content Moderation Does Not Apply: Developing People’s Social Capacities for Challenging Covid Vaccine Misinformation on Personal Messaging Platforms. Centre for Analysis of Social Media, Demos. September 22.

Hall, N-A., Chadwick, A. & Vaccari, C (2022). ‘I would always be careful about what I receive’: Online Misinformation, Epistemic norms, and Social Distinction. Media Sociology Symposium of the Communication, Information Technologies and Media Sociology Section, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, August 4.

Chadwick, A., Vaccari, C. & Hall, N-A. (2022). What People Talk About When They Talk About Misinformation on Private Social Media. International Communication Association Annual Meeting, Paris, May 26-30.
Download slides.

Ross, A. R. N., Vaccari, C. & Chadwick, A. (2022). Russian Meddling in U.S Elections: How News of Disinformation’s Impact Affects Trust in Electoral Outcomes and Satisfaction With Democracy. International Communication Association Annual Meeting, Paris, France, May 26–30.

Chadwick, A. (2022). Breaking Democracy: Lies, Deception and Disinformation. Gresham College Lecture, Gresham College, Barnard’s Inn Hall, London. May 5.
Watch video and download accompanying article and slides at Gresham’s website.

‘Breaking Democracy: Lies, Deception and Disinformation.’ Public Lecture at Gresham College, London, May 2022.

Vaccari, C., Chadwick, A. & Kaiser, J. (2021). The Campaign Disinformation Divide: Believing and Sharing News in the 2019 UK General Election. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Seattle and Online, September 28-October 3.
— Winner, Best Conference Paper, American Political Science Association Information Technology and Politics Section.

Chadwick, A. (2021). Online Social Endorsement and Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in the UK: Crisis Communication, Misinformation, and Public Good in the Hybrid Media System. American Political Science Association Political Communication Section Annual Preconference, Seattle and Online, September 29.

Chadwick, A. (2021). Ideological Infrastructures of Meaning, Disinformation, and Online Civic Culture…Or… The Importance of Political Network Norms. 3rd Weizenbaum Conference: Democracy in Flux: Order, Dynamics and Voices in Digital Public Spheres. Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, Berlin, June 17–18.

Chadwick, A., Vaccari, C., & Kaiser, J. (2021). The Amplification of Exaggerated and False News on Social Media: The Roles of Platform Use, Motivations, Affect, and Ideology. International Communication Association Annual Meeting, Online due to Covid-19 pandemic, May 27–31.

Chadwick, A. and Stanyer, J. (2021). Deception as a Bridging Concept in the Study of Misinformation and Disinformation: Toward a Holistic Framework for Analysis. International Communication Association Annual Meeting, Online due to Covid-19 pandemic, May 27–31.

Chadwick, A. (2021). Online Social Endorsement and Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in the UK. Covid, Communication and Culture: Research Insights and Policy Solutions. Centre for Research in Communication and Culture, Loughborough University, May 12.
Download slides.
— Video immediately below.

‘Online Social Endorsement and Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in the UK.’ Talk at the Conference ‘Covid, Communication and Culture: Research Insights and Policy Solutions,’ Loughborough University, May 12, 2021

Chadwick, A. and Stanyer, J. (2020). Deception: An Awkward Problem for Political Communication. American Political Science Association Virtual Annual Meeting, Online due to Covid-19 pandemic, September 10–13.

Chadwick, A. (2020). Discussant: Deepfakes in the 2020 Presidential Election: Detecting New Attempts at Deception. American Political Science Association Virtual Annual Meeting, Online due to Covid-19 pandemic, September 10–13.

Chadwick, A. (2020). Aspects of the New Media Culture of Indeterminacy: Key Challenges for Communication Research. University of Michigan, USA, February 13.

Chadwick, A. (2020). Toward a Richer Understanding of the Problem of Indeterminacy in Digital Culture. Keynote. Communication Sciences Doctoral Winter School, Universidade Nova de Lisbon, February 7.
— Video available here.

‘Toward a Richer Understanding of the Problem of Indeterminacy in Digital Culture.’ Keynote at the Communication Sciences Doctoral Winter School, Universidade Nova de Lisbon, February 7, 2020.

Chadwick, A. (2019). Social Media and the New Crisis of Public Communication, or, What Might a Culture of Indeterminacy Online Look Like? And What Might be its Long-term Implications? Keynote. Future of Journalism Biannual Conference, Cardiff University, September 12–13.

Chadwick, A. (2019). Misinformation and Trust. UK Cabinet Office. August 7.

Chadwick, A. (2018). Social Media and the Future of Democracy. Keynote. UK Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group Annual Conference, University of Nottingham, November 8–9. 

Chadwick, A. (2018). Social Media and the Future of Democracy. Keynote. International Journal of Press/Politics Annual Conference. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Oxford University, October 10–12.

Chadwick, A., Vaccari, C. and O’Loughlin, B. (2018). Do Tabloids Poison the Well of Social Media? Explaining Democratically-Dysfunctional News Sharing. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston, August 30–September 2.

Chadwick, A. (2018). Thinking About the Role of Social Media in the Formation of Public Opinion. “Big Questions in Political Communication Research” Panel, International Communication Association Annual Conference, Prague, May 24–28
Download slides with notes.

Chadwick, A., Vaccari, C. and O’Loughlin, B. (2018). Do Tabloids Poison the Well of Social Media? Explaining Democratically-Dysfunctional News Sharing. International Communication Association Annual Conference, Prague, May 24–28.

Chadwick, A. (2018). Social Media Platforms: A Crisis of Democracy? International Communication Association Annual Conference, Prague, May 24–28.

Chadwick, A. (2017). Turning Celebrity Capital into Political Capital Using Social Media and Mainstream Media: the Case of Donald Trump. Keynote. Italian Political Communication Association Annual Conference, LUISS, Rome, December 14–16.

Chadwick, A. (2017). Participant, roundtable. Stavros Niarchos Foundation Agora Institute at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, October 24–25.

Chadwick, A. (2017). Donald Trump, the 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign, and the Intensification of the Hybrid Media System. Keynote. Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) Annual Conference, University of Tartu, Estonia, October 18–21.
— Video available here.
— Streaming audio available here.

‘Donald Trump, the 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign, and the Intensification of the Hybrid Media System.’ Keynote. Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) Annual Conference, Estonia, 2017.

Chadwick, A. (2017). Donald Trump, the 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign, and the Intensification of the Hybrid Media System. Keynote. Political Communication in Uncertain Times: Digital Technologies, Citizen Participation and Open Governance, IPSA Political Communication Section Conference, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, September 7–8.

Chadwick, A. (2017). Cyber Populism: Are Social Media Damaging Democracy? Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London. (Event to discuss Phil Howard and Samantha Bradshaw’s OII report on social media manipulation).
— Podcast available here.

Keynote at the Future Of Journalism Conference, Cardiff, 2019. (Photo: Andy Williams @llantwit)

Keynote at the Future Of Journalism Conference, Cardiff, 2019. (Photo: Andy Williams @llantwit)

Banner photo: Museum of Global Communications, Porthcurno